• 绕道



    試想這樣的情境,你搭便車,結果由於要開長時間的車,於是司機跟你輪流開車。輪到你開的時候,開著開著,發現司機居然死了...   一不做二不休,將屍體棄置荒野後,你弄成他(有那麼一點點《職業:記者》的橋段,但兩者的出發點與情境完全不同,再說這裡證件上也沒有照片,要變換身份更容易),繼續開著車。當你去加油時,順道載了一個女子,在你還在腦裡想著這女子的美貌時,她居然轉過來對你說,他是該車主的前女友(還是前妻,反正是這樣的關係)!你當然絕望,雖然你老實地說,你根本沒有殺害車主(但誰會相信?)   然而更詭異的還在後頭(劇情真的是在不斷迴轉,雖然你只是很單純地想從東岸到西岸跟跑去好萊塢發展的女友結婚),正當你以為你找到一個同夥來解決你的困境,畢竟對你來說,到底車主留下七百多塊還是應該是三千塊,你都不在意,因為你的目的地是去找女友結婚呀。但是她的陰謀卻讓你害怕:車主久未謀...

  • 汉尼拔



    After making his historic crossing of the Alps with elephants transporting supplies and troops, Hannibal marches on Rome in a war of revenge. During his advance, he captures Sylvia, the niece of Roman Senator Fabius Maximus but, instead of holding her prisoner, he shows her his powerful army and herds of elephants, then sets her free. He is sure she will report what she has see...

  • X星来客



    One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through ...

  • X星来客



    One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through the window of the ship and the visitor peeks out from the other side is easily as good as the three-fingered-hand-on-the-shoulder in War of the Worlds. Nice "character" to the visitor, for whom, like Karloff's Frankenstein, we end up feeling some empathy .




